Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Five of Cups of the Minor Arcana

The Five of Cups of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the fifth card of the Suit of Cups. It follows the Four of Cups. It is the embodiment of disappointment and sorrow concerning past events. It also tends to indicate emotional dejection on some level, sometimes very profound.

The Symbolism of the Five of Cups Tarot Card

This card is represented by a cloaked and hooded figure, dressed all in black. His head is hung in sorrow. At his feet are three spilled cups, but two are still safely intact. In the background a river rushes, impossible to cross, were it not for the stone bridge granting passage. The sky is dull and unappealing, which matches the downtrodden mood of this card.

The General Interpretation of the Five of Cups Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a feeling of profound disappointment and sorrow. The figure in the Five of Cups is hunched over in dejection; he feels there is no way out of his predicament. The events of the past, represented by the three overturned cups, weigh heavily upon his shoulders.

This card reveals a tendency to dwell on past events. It is often a warning to let go, release the past and move forward. This is usually easier said than done, however.

The Inner Meaning of the Five of Cups in Tarot

The Five of Cups is the image of ultimate dejection, often without true cause. The cloaked figure does not, as yet, have any appreciation for the two cups which still stand. He does not necessarily see the good in the situation he finds himself in. Often, this card warns you against “crying over spilled milk.”

The hooded figure also fails to notice the bridge, beckoning in the distance. He does not see that there is a way out, a path to a better life. If he does see, he does not trust it. However, if he just chose to trust, for one moment, he could move beyond the negative, and once again embrace the positive. But he must take that step alone. It cannot be forced up on him.

The Five of Cups is a card that represents a time in life that everyone must face. A time when hope is lost, and it is easier to just give up. However, it is also a beacon of hope, embodying the phrase “the light at the end of the tunnel.”

The Six of Cups follows this card.

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