Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Ace of Swords of the Minor Arcana

The Ace of Swords of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the first card of the Suit of Swords. It is the embodiment of decisiveness and cutting through confusion.

The Symbolism of the Ace of Swords Tarot Card

This card is represented by a hand emerging out of a cloud. This comes from seemingly nothing. The hand clasps a single sword, holding it erect. The sword is topped with a golden crown. The landscape is mountainous, and as devoid of color as the sky.

The General Interpretation of the Ace of Swords Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a decisive ability that results in success. The sword cuts through all confusion, allowing the individual to make an informed decision. This decision can then be made very quickly.

The hand appearing from nowhere implies luck of some kind. So the true interpretation of this card might be that success is a combination of the ability to make a firm decision, and just a little luck. Indeed, this is often true in the real world. Success can only be had by those with the ability to make a decision and stick to it, and only if there is at least a bit of luck involved.

The Inner Meaning of the Ace of Swords in Tarot

The Ace of Swords is the image of seeking the truth. The sword on this card cuts deeply through confusion and deception. In this way, deception can be exposed, and the truth sought. For the individual who draws this card in a spread, it often indicates that one must seek the truth ruthlessly, not allowing deception to rule.

Finally, this card also suggests that luck and fortune are deeply connected with success. While it is not dismissing creativity, thought, and decisiveness, it is implying that luck has a deeper role to play than is often acknowledged. One should cut through confusion and deception, take a firm position, and trust in luck to play its part.

Putting faith in the idea of luck is not necessarily an easy thing to do. However, the Ace of Swords does promise that for those who are decisive in nature and willing to seek the truth, luck will be with them. It is simply a leap of faith.

Following this card is the Two of Swords.

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