Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Five of Wands of the Minor Arcana

The Five of Wands of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the fifth card of the Suit of Wands. It follows the Four of Wands. It is the embodiment of imitation, competition, and struggle.

The Symbolism of the Five of Wands Tarot Card

This card is represented by a group of five youths who are brandishing staves that look suspiciously like wands. It is unclear whether this is an indication of sport of some kind, or a real battle. The ground is flat and unremarkable, and the sky is clear. It is obvious that this battle, sport or not, takes place outside.

The General Interpretation of the Five of Wands Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies competition or struggle of some kind. This might be a strenuous fight in the pursuit of riches, and perhaps even fame and fortune. The Five of Wands does not necessarily guarantee success, but it certainly indicates a struggle.

It is possible that this card indicates a ‘sham fight’ instead. In this case, it is a card of imitation, and possibly of sport. This usually implies a group activity, as depicted on the card.

The Inner Meaning of the Five of Wands in Tarot

The Five of Wands is the image of being alert and engaged. When this card appears, it can indicate that the individual is ready to fight for what he or she feels is most important. It suggests that a defense to protect what is perceived as sacred may be necessary. The individual is ready and willing to do this.

On another level, this card also suggests that aid may be necessary to complete this task. One may need to enlist the help of friends, and certainly more than one of them. This should not be seen as a weakness; rather, it suggests that acknowledging the need for help is a mark of strength.

The Five of Wands can also be a more materialistic card. It may imply a search or hunt for wealth, fame, and fortune. It brings a warning against putting too much faith in these things, for they are both fleeting and unnecessary. Those who place value on these things are destined for disappointment, for they cannot last forever.

The Six of Wands follows this card.

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