Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Nine of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana

The Nine of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the ninth card of the Suit of Pentacles. It follows the Eight of Pentacles. It is the embodiment of great difficulty finding satisfaction in what one has.

The Symbolism of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card

This card is represented by a woman dressed in ornate robes. She is in the middle of a garden, one which has been well cultivated, and is the very picture of beauty. Far in the background, a stately manor house rests upon a hill. A hooded falcon sits upon her upraised arm, a clear indication that she is an aristocrat of some kind. Her clothing and surroundings also support this idea.

Nine golden pentacles are a part of the garden that surrounds the woman.

The General Interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies someone with a great deal of money or a fine material status. The woman of the Nine of Pentacles is certainly someone who is very well off. Her bearing and demeanor suggest that she is an aristocrat. She is concerned with the material world. Perhaps too concerned.

This card also indicates a refinement of the senses, and a desire for perfection. The person who draws the Nine of Pentacles likely has perfectionist tendencies. This card also suggests that perhaps this is not such a good thing at the moment.

The Inner Meaning of the Nine of Pentacles in Tarot

The Nine of Pentacles is the image of a lack of enthusiasm. The woman, the young aristocrat, looks around her garden with an attitude of what could almost be described as disdain. She sees the abundance that surrounds her, but takes no pride or pleasure in it. She may have all that she desires, but still she finds no satisfaction.

This trait goes deeper still. She is in total ignorance of the world beyond her manor and garden. She has never seen the outside world, and has no burning or urgent desire to do so. Anything beyond her beautiful garden is also beyond her concern. She is wrapped up in herself and her own doings.

The Nine of Pentacles warns the individual against being too concerned with themselves and whatever they might be doing. It is a card that suggests a deeper awareness is needed, and that one must look beyond what is immediately apparent.

The Ten of Pentacles follows this card.

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