Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Knight of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana

The Knight of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the twelfth card of the Suit of Pentacles. It follows the Page of Pentacles. It is the embodiment of stubbornness and seriousness. In some decks, this card is called the Prince of Pentacles.

The Symbolism of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card

This card is represented by a well-appointed young knight seated upon a black horse. The pair of them stand unmoving, gazing out over the grassy landscape. It appears that, at the moment, the two of them have absolutely no intention of going anywhere, no matter the temptation. They remain exactly where they are. In his hands, the knight cups a golden pentacle, but his gaze goes far beyond, hardly acknowledging the treasure in his hand.

The General Interpretation of the Knight of Pentacles Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a time when one was set in his or her own ways. The individual who draws this card fully intends to maintain their own stance, whether or not it is truly justified. This person has no desire to ‘see the light,’ or be shown a different path.

The Knight of Pentacles suggests that it is perhaps time to accept that there are other methods, other ways of doing things and of seeing the world. It suggests that a change of perspective is not necessarily a negative thing.

The Inner Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles in Tarot

The Knight of Pentacles is the image of stubborn youth. As a court card, it may represent either an actual person or a situation; often, this card is both at the same time. As a person, it may be a youth or young adult who is hard-working, but incredibly stubborn, and sometimes with a very limited view of the world.

This young man is serious about everything he does. He works hard to accomplish his material goals, often to the exclusion of more important matters. Sometimes, he ignores the emotional, intellectual, and passionate sides of his nature in an effort to achieve monetary gain. This leads to an unbalanced personality.

As a situation, the Knight of Pentacles is an indication of a time when one must consider altering ones opinion and behavior. It is quite possible that an individual has neglected many parts of his life due to his limiting worldview, and this card suggests that perhaps it is time to change that.

The Queen of Pentacles follows this card. The Knight of Pentacles is the second court card of the Suit of Pentacles.

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