Monday, January 23, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Two of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana

The Two of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the second card of the Suit of Pentacles. It follows the Ace of Pentacles. It is the embodiment of new and exciting projects that can be completed.

The Symbolism of the Two of Pentacles Tarot Card

This card is represented by a young man dressed in reds and browns. He appears to be dancing, and is balancing two pentacles, one in each hand.

The landscape is fairly plain, but there are some rolling hills in the background. The sky is blue and devoid of clouds.

The General Interpretation of the Two of Pentacles Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a time when money and energy are likely to be available for new and exciting projects. These projects could lead to a rewarding future, and it's said that these endeavors should be explored by the individual who draws this card.

However, this card suggests that these rewards will not manifest without hard work. The individual must be willing to put his resources to work, and take some risks. This often refers to the use of money. It is a ‘spending’ card, indicating that capital must be used to begin these projects. Hoarding resources will not result in success in this instance.

The Inner Meaning of the Two of Pentacles in Tarot

The Two of Pentacles is the image of fluctuation in material fortunes. This does not suggest loss, but rather the flow of material resources toward realistic goals; the drive toward these goals must be both grounded and channeled. ‘It takes money to make money,’ is an appropriate saying that's linked to this card.

This card demands flexibility, as is shown by the young man dancing in place. He must be willing and ready to put both money and energy to work. This often means the juggling and shifting of resources to ensure that they are used most effectively. This shifting often carries some risk, but it is almost always worth it in the end.

The Two of Pentacles is generally considered to be a positive card. Though it does suggest that one must be light-footed in financial and material matters, it also promises great rewards for those who can put the energy of this card to good use.

The Three of Pentacles follows this card.

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