Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Six of Wands of the Minor Arcana

The Six of Wands of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the sixth card of the Suit of Wands. It follows the Five of Wands. It is the embodiment of success and triumph.

The Symbolism of the Six of Wands Tarot Card

This card is represented by a man who sits tall upon his horse. He seems to be a leader, and carries a staff that resembles a wand. On top of this staff is a laurel wreath. He is calm and confident, assured of his command over the people around him.

The five youths from the previous card make an appearance in the background, each still in possession of their respective weapons. However, now they are organized, acting as a group. They have been united under the leadership of the horseman.

The General Interpretation of the Six of Wands Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a sense of leadership and organization. The mounted horseman seems to galvanize the group that was last seen in the Five of Wands. He prompts the youths to cooperate, to work as a team, under his experienced leadership. And thus, this card may represent cooperation, under a single leader.

The Six of Wands may also represent success or triumph for the leader. However, it is important to realize that this triumph will come about only because of the aid of others. While the leader takes the credit, it could not have been done without a network of support.

The Inner Meaning of the Six of Wands in Tarot

The Six of Wands is the image of cooperative success and leadership. This card suggests a very strong leader, one who gets things done. This is someone who can organize and guide a group into accomplishing a common goal. This card stresses the importance of this particular ability. The leader should be competent, confident, and honorable.

On another level, this card can represent the mobilization of a group, as indicated by the horse. This could be a social group that comes together for a task. It may also be more symbolic, perhaps meaning that the divided forces within an individual finally come together and act in accord. So, the Six of Wands appearing in a spread could be hinting that this must come to pass within the individual for success to become a reality.

The Seven of Wands follows this card.

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