Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Six of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana

The Six of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the sixth card of the Suit of Pentacles. It follows the Five of Pentacles. It is the embodiment of personal gratification and generosity.

The Symbolism of the Six of Pentacles Tarot Card

This card is represented by a man dressed in fine robes. He would appear to be a merchant. At his feet crouch two people, both of whom appear to be less fortunate than he is himself. He weighs his money carefully in a scale, and then distributes it to those who need it more than he does. He is the very picture of generosity and six golden pentacles are arranged around him.

The General Interpretation of the Six of Pentacles Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a great deal of generosity. However, this is not generosity for generosity’s sake, but rather to achieve personal gratification. While this should not cheapen the generosity of the merchant, it does put it in perspective. While he is a good man, he is not unfailingly generous with either his time or his money.

The Inner Meaning of the Six of Pentacles in Tarot

The Six of Pentacles is the image of deliberation and vigilance. The man, this merchant who appears so well off, is carefully weighing the coins he gives out to the beggar people who surround him. He does indeed give of himself — in this case, his material wealth — to the needy and distressed, but he does this carefully.

At his core, the merchant understands that he cannot satisfy all those who surround him. While they may wish he was more generous, he knows that he cannot make everyone happy all of the time. He must be cautious as he gives of himself, never giving what he does not have.

This card, the Six of Pentacles, suggests that the individual who drew this card must be wary of giving too much of himself. It reflects the idea that generosity is indeed to be praised, but one should not be faulted for saying ‘no’ when appropriate. Denying another that which one cannot afford to lose in the first place is not a cruelty, but a practicality.

The Seven of Pentacles follows this card.

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