Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Two of Wands of the Minor Arcana

The Two of Wands of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the second card of the Suit of Wands. It follows the Ace of Wands. It is the embodiment of courage and daring, and a willingness to face the unknown.

The Symbolism of the Two of Wands Tarot Card

This card is represented by a man, probably either a nobleman or a very wealthy merchant, gazing out over his territory. There is a lake or ocean in the distance, so perhaps he is looking for his ships, returning from a voyage. Upon the wall where he stands rest two wands, and in his hand he holds a globe of the world.

The General Interpretation of the Two of Wands Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies the need to apply the lessons of courage and daring, to channel them into something useful. This is generally taken to mean the beginning of a journey, or perhaps striking out on a new path in life.

This card also symbolizes the untapped power that each individual has. The globe in the palm of the merchant’s hand is this power. This card is a suggestion to use it, not simply hoard it. The power is right there, clasped in the palm of the hand. Now is the time to find the courage to put it to good use.

The Inner Meaning of the Two of Wands in Tarot

The Two of Wands is the image of courage and daring, and of taking chances. This card conveys a message that one should strike out on a journey, forge a new path, even if the destination cannot be clearly seen. The destination will never be found until one has the courage and conviction to seek it out, pursing it relentlessly.

The symbols on this card all point to a common theme. They imply that now is the time to act, that the time of patience is at an end. This is the time to be bold and creative. If the individual is hovering on the brink of a decision, the Two of Wands suggests that now is the time to make a move, to make a firm decision.

The Three of Wands follows this card.

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