Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Four of Swords of the Minor Arcana

The Four of Swords of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the fourth card of the Suit of Swords. It follows the Three of Swords. It is the embodiment of withdrawal and inward focus, often suggesting a time for reflection.

The Symbolism of the Four of Swords Tarot Card

This card is represented by what appears to be a sarcophagus. The man shown on this sarcophagus has an expression of calm serenity upon his face, frozen in time. He holds his hands in a position which seems to indicate prayer or tranquility. There is a stained glass window behind the sarcophagus.

Mounted on the wall behind the sarcophagus are three swords, all with blades pointing downwards. The fourth sword is a part of the sarcophagus itself.

The General Interpretation of the Four of Swords Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a sense of peace and stillness. This might refer to an actual place, such as a church, temple, or any place where the individual feels at peace. This card may suggest a withdrawal to this place, to focus and gather scattered thoughts.

However, it may also refer to an inner sense of peace. In this case, the Four of Swords represents a time to find that inner sense of peace that can be so often be elusive. It is a card that embraces the idea of inner stillness, and encourages the individual to seek it out, wherever it may be.

The Inner Meaning of the Four of Swords in Tarot

The Four of Swords is the image of inner withdrawal and retreat. This is not negative in any way. Instead, this card represents a time when one must get away from everyday life. It can signal to the individual that the time has come to shift one’s focus, to look inward. This will not last forever, but it is necessary.

After the trauma of the Three of Swords, this card encourages a time to retreat from the world. The purpose here is to recover, to allow a little healing to take place. Healing takes time, and in this case, true healing will only occur when inner peace and stillness have been obtained.

On a more superficial level, it can mean a time to leave a social circle, at least for a time.

The Five of Swords follows this card.

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