Monday, January 9, 2012

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Six of Cups of the Minor Arcana

The Six of Cups of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the sixth card of the Suit of Cups. It follows the Five of Cups. It is the embodiment innocence and nostalgia.

The Symbolism of the Six of Cups Tarot Card

This card is represented by two children, a boy and a girl, enjoying themselves in a small town square. They are surrounded by six cups, each filled with greenery, and topped with a single white flower. The flowers have five petals each. The sky is clear and blue, the both children are delighting in the fresh scent of the blooms.

The General Interpretation of the Six of Cups Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies a feeling of innocence, even naivety. There is a general lack of sophistication associated with this card, but not in a negative way. Instead, this card conveys a child-like innocence, a way of looking at the world that is much simpler than is normal in today’s society.

This card recommends a return to a simpler time of thought and deed. While this may not be practical in the strictest sense, the Six of Cups should not be taken lightly. It is a card of simplification, and a suggestion that there is value in what once was.

The Inner Meaning of the Six of Cups in Tarot

The Six of Cups is the image of innocence and nostalgia. It often indicates that the time has come to reflect on the past, taking a look back to a time when thoughts were simpler and life was easier. Though it may not be possible to recapture those times, they still have value, and should be reflected upon and respected.

The flowers, white in color, represent the innocence of the two children. These children breathe deeply of the essence of the flowers, and in doing so, activate the sense of scent. Scent is most strongly connected to memory, and the idea of nostalgia. The Six of Cups can take you back in time, metaphorically speaking. It is a card designed to stimulate memories of an earlier era.

In more modern interpretations, the Six of Cups often indicates an unconditional love. The kind of love between mother and child, for instance. This love is eternal and more valuable than any other gift could ever be.

The Seven of Cups follows this card.

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