Friday, May 25, 2012

Tarot Cards: The Psychology of the Tarot

Carl Jung was the first psychologist to attach any real importance to the Tarot. He may have regarded Tarot cards as representing certain archetypal symbols. These archetypes are fundamental to the human psyche and embedded in the subconscious of all human beings. The Emperor, for example, represents the father figure. The Empress might represent the mother. The Magician represents a spiritual guide, and on and on.

The Tarot as Archetypal Symbols

The assumption of Tarot as representing archetypes leaves the door open to explore several psychological uses. Some modern psychologists use Tarot to identify how a client views himself by asking him to select a card that he identifies with. Others might try to get the client to clarify his ideas by imagining important things in his life in terms of the images seen in certain Tarot cards.

A professional might ask many different questions to aid the client in selection this card. The Tarot can be seen as a kind of map of the subconscious, allowing a seasoned professional to interpret this map on a conscious level. Some of these questions might include:
  • Do you see yourself as blissfully ignorant, like the Fool?
  • Are you perhaps rushing heedlessly into something, such as the Knight of Swords?
  • Which card do you think is most like you?
Older Decks vs. More Modern Decks

You might think that the older deck such as the Visconti-Sforza and Marseille would offer more insight into the human psyche. However, the reverse seems to be true. Most psychologists and Tarot experts view those older decks as crude and limited when compared to some modern ones, such as the ever-popular Rider-Waite deck. This is probably a reflection of the common belief that Tarot symbolism has evolved, especially since A.E. Waite created the deck that has influenced almost all Tarot decks produced in the 20th century. In essence, the Tarot became more universal in the latter half of the 20th century, so the newer decks may be seen as applicable to all people in all places.

There might be some validity in this claim. Waite definitely had the largest influence on Tarot as a whole, at least in the modern era. He expanded the symbolism of the Tarot in a way that allowed it to connect to more people from more walks of life. Most decks created even today follow the Rider-Waite system, at least to some extent, and this symbolism was probably given a more universal feel on purpose; it is unlikely that Waite would have created such a highly symbolic yet applicable deck by accident.

With this is mind, it is probably accurate to state that modern Tarot decks are less limited and more applicable. They have the ability to connect more freely to the universal subconscious, and so to connect with everyone, everywhere.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tarot Cards: The Healing Tarot Spread

The Healing Spread of the Tarot is an entirely different kind of Tarot spread. While most spreads are concerned with the seeking of advice and guidance regarding a particular situation, the Healing Spread is instead focused on psychological healing.

The Purpose of the Healing Spread

Most people have some type of trauma in their past, and these traumas can leave emotional blocks. These blocks can hinder the ability to fully enjoy and engage in life. The Healing Spread can be a powerful tool to explore and even heal these emotional blocks by examining the areas of life that remain fixed and unchanging. These fixed areas, which are different for each individual, represent those things which remain unresolved. These unresolved issues are emotional blocks.

When attempting this particular Tarot spread, it is important to be in an location where you feel safe, secure, and relaxed. Ensure that you have enough uninterrupted time to complete the spread in privacy. You must also allow yourself time afterwards to reflect on the information provided by this spread and examine any emotions or memories which have surfaced as a result.

Reading the Healing Spread

Before shuffling the cards, take a deep breath. Shuffle the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana together until you are satisfied; there's no secret to shuffling the Tarot.

Once shuffled, all seventy-eight Tarot cards should be spread face-down in a fan-shape. Six cards should be selected and placed face-up on a black cloth. These six cards will form the basis of the Healing Spread.

Each of the six positions of the Healing Spread has a specific meaning. The positions and their meanings are:
  1. Emotional Block: This card reveals the greatest emotional block, issue, or trauma from the past. This block is likely preventing you from moving forward.
  2. Past Relationships: This card examines how your emotional block has affected your past relationships.
  3. Present Relationships: This card delves into how your emotional block is affecting your present relationships, as well as how it is affecting your personal growth.
  4. Revelation: This card reveals what new things can be learned from the current exploration of your hidden emotional blocks.
  5. Guidance: This card gives suggestions and advice as to what might be done, emotional or otherwise, to get past your own personal blocks and encourage healthy emotional growth.
  6. Spiritual Lesson: This card examines the spiritual lesson that can be learned from the current exploration of your hidden emotional blocks.
The Healing Spread of the Tarot is not quite the same as most Tarot spreads. It is designed to locate that which is preventing you from moving on and enjoying life. While the Tarot cannot heal these wounds for you, it can perhaps give some clues as to how to begin the healing process.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Tarot Cards: The Tetractys Tarot Spread

The Tetractys Spread of the Tarot is a unique and powerful spread. Of all the Tarot spreads, this is the one said to provide a method for forecasting future events. While these events will not be true ‘predictions,’ the Tetractys Spread can at least reveal the most likely outcome in greater detail than most other spreads.

Preparing to Lay Out the Tetractys Spread

In order to successfully cast and read the Tetractys Spread, you must focus fully and completely on the task at hand. Since this spread is a little more complicated to interpret than most of the other spreads, it is important that your focus not waver. Many readers like to meditate before this spread is cast, and some will even remain in a meditative state during the entire reading.

For the Tetractys Spread, both the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana should be shuffled together. You should shuffle until you feel that the cards are shuffled enough. There’s not really any firm rules when it comes to shuffling Tarot cards.

Once shuffled, all seventy-eight Tarot cards should be spread face-down in a fan-shape. Ten cards should be selected and placed face-up on the black cloth in the shape of a tetractys.

Reading the Tetractys Spread

Each of the ten positions of the Tetractys Spread has a specific meaning. The positions and their meanings are:
  1. Significator: This card represents the premise of the entire reading. This forms a foundation for understanding all the other cards. This card should be referred to when interpreting all other cards.
  2. Dark Card: This card indicates the possible reaction of the cosmos or the world at large to the actions of the individual.
  3. Light Card: This card reveals the influences of the cosmos or the world at large that lead to the actions of the individual.
  4. Destroyer Card: This card represents past decisions and directions that should not be allowed to continue.
  5. Sustainer Card: This card indicates those things that are stable and should not change.
  6. Creator Card: This card is indicative of new decisions and directions that should be pursued.
  7. Earth Card: This card is a physical card, representing physical realities and day-to-day living.
  8. Water Card: This card is an emotional card, revealing feelings, emotions, and whims.
  9. Air Card: This card is an intellectual card, indicating thoughts, feelings, goals, and the power of the mind.
  10. Fire Card: This card is a passionate card, representing ambitions, creative forces, and the raw power of will.
The Tetractys Spread of the Tarot is a little more complicated than spreads such as the Celtic Cross Spread or the Horseshoe Spread, and so takes some practice to master. It is a powerful spread for those seeking detailed information and advice regarding complex situations.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Tarot Cards: The One-Card Tarot Spread

The One-Card Spread of the Tarot is the most simple of all Tarot spreads. Though not really a spread, strictly speaking, it does have its place and serves a very specific purpose. The One-Card Spread is a problem solving spread, typically used when a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is all the answer that is sought.

Preparing to Lay Out the One-Card Spread

As with any spread, care needs to be taken when preparing for a reading. Traditionally, Tarot cards are stored wrapped in a black cloth. The cards should be unwrapped, and the black cloth should be draped to indicate the place where the spread will be laid. This protects the cards from any dirt or debris that might be present.

Because this spread is limited to a single card, it is important to focus very clearly on the immediate question. This question must be framed very clearly in your mind. The more clear and concise the question, the easier it will be to interpret the answer.

If you have difficulty concentrating enough to frame your question, trying meditating as a method for focusing your mind.

Reading the One-Card Spread

This spread is known for its ability to give simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. It can even provide guidance on how to approach a specific situation. However, it is important to follow the correct procedure if you wish to obtain clear answers.

To begin your reading, shuffle the cards thoroughly, including both the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. How much you shuffle, or even how you shuffle, are matters of personal taste. You’re finished shuffling when you feel that the cards are shuffled enough. When shuffling, be sure to clearly focus on your question. Do not let you mind stray from this question, even for a moment.

Divide the deck into three piles. Study these piles for a moment, then chose the pile that seems to draw you to it. One will stand out from the rest. Shuffle just the one pile. Spread the pile face-down in a fan-shape before you, and choose just one card. Place this card face-up before you.

This is the card to be interpreted for the One-Card Spread. In terms of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions, typically a reversed position indicates a ‘no’ response, while an upright card would indicate a ‘yes’. However, the specific card must be taken into account as well.

The One-Card Spread is the most simple of all Tarot spreads. Many people choose this spread as a daily way to ask for guidance about the coming day. Others employ this spread when one of the more detailed spreads seems to need a little more explanation. How and when you use this spread is up to you.