Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Sun of the Major Arcana

The Sun is the nineteenth card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It is the embodiment of happiness, contentment, and success.

The Symbolism of the Sun Card

This card is represented by an infant riding a pure white horse beneath the bright summer sun. The background is filled with sunflowers. The infant holds a red flag, representing the blood of renewal. The smiling sun indicates accomplishment and approval.

The Sun bears the number “19,” and the card is regarded as the bringer of happiness for the Fool, who encounters the Sun following his encounter with the Moon.

The General Interpretation of the Sun Tarot Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies clarity, happiness, success, and renewed trust, hope and faith. It is finally possible to understand the pattern of life, to plan for the future, and to really move forward. The darkness of many previous cards is finally dispelled.

The Fool, armed with this new knowledge, and with a new foresight about his life and his journey, can move towards a greater goal. He is content with the journey he has undertaken, and with the lessons he has learned. He also realizes that a spirit can never truly learn all there is to know — he will always be the student.

The Inner Meaning of the Sun in Tarot

The Sun is an image of power associated with the conscious mind. Darkness can be dispelled by logic, reason, and the consciousness. This card represents intellectual striving, a vision of the future, and hope for an ideal future. It is the card of nobility and determination.

The Fool’s encounter with the Sun brings the hope and clarity he has been seeking. He has faced many trials, he has come to terms with many things, but always has he maintained his integrity. However, in the Moon, he faced uncertainty and doubt, losing his confidence and his power of action. In the Sun, he regains both of these attributes.

The Fool lost faith many times along his journey. Now, this faith in himself is restored. His spirit cannot be conquered, and will always struggle against hopelessness and ignorance, fear and despair. He will always strive toward the light, never forgetting the journey he has completed.

The Sun is encountered by the Fool, following his meeting with the Moon. This occurs on the path to his meeting with Judgement.

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