Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tarot Card Symbolism: The Star of the Major Arcana

The Star is the seventeenth card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It is the embodiment of hope for the future and faith that this future will come.

The Symbolism of the Star Tarot Card

This card is represented by a woman kneeling beside a pond. She has one foot in the water, the other on land, much as Temperance did. Above her head, there is a shining star. She holds two jugs, which she is pouring out, one onto land, the other into the water.

The Star bears the number “17,” and the card brings hope for the Fool , following his encounter with the Tower.

The General Interpretation of the Star Tarot Card

When appearing in a spread, this card implies an experience of hope, perhaps even faith. However, this card can be difficult to interpret. It may signify the coming of hope, or it could warn against blind hope. The interpretation is best determined by evaluating the other cards in the spread and relying on your own instincts during the reading.

The Star is a welcome relief for the Fool at this stage of his journey. He has passed though fear and strife, and experienced the collapse of all he held dear. Now, he has some hope for the future, and a renewed faith in himself.

The Inner Meaning of the Star Tarot Card

The Star is the image of all that humans cling to: the notion that, no matter how bad things might seem, there is always a glimmer of hope. This card is not one of plans and action, but rather of feeling and emotion. It is a card associated with waiting and patience, much like the Hermit and the Hanged Man.

The Star is not a card of schemes and expectations; instead, it is a card of intuition and instinct. The Star shows the Fool that not everything is a matter of fact or circumstance. Some situations require hope and belief.

This is also a card of renewal. As the lady pours water on both land and sea, she renews the physical and spiritual aspects of the Fool. Once renewed, he can continue upon his journey.

The Star is encountered by the Fool after he meets the Tower, on the path to his meeting with the Moon.

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