Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekly Tarot Reading: August 25th to August 31st 2012

The Tarot reading for August 25th, 2012 through August 31st, 2012 encourages you to concentrate on the communication of emotion. You are also wise to be ready for disappointment or rejection.

Card 1: Page of Cups — You need to concentrate on the communication of tender feelings, hunches, and dreams. You are full of romantic ideas and fancies, but balance logic and intuition if you want to see these come to fruition.

Card 2: The Star — Being too idealistic can get in the way. Don't use the search for wonder and hope as a way to avoid dealing with reality. Those things you find distasteful have their own purpose. Find balance between the beautiful and the ugly, work and relaxation, and you'll muddle through.

Card 3: Eight of Wands — You should make sure that all intentions are clearly communicated and understood before any action is taken. This applies both if you are the sender and the receiver of the information being conveyed. But don't delay in acting once the information comes to light.

Card 4: The Fool — Trust, innocence, faith, and truth are vitally important if you are going to triumph in your current environment. A sense of humor will also prove useful. Don't look too long for hidden meanings or you might miss what's right in front of you. Balance innocence and wisdom.

Card 5: Six of Swords — A past test or trial is affecting your present situation. If this was not successfully navigated, you will certainly begin feeling the consequences. You can't ignore the past and now is the time when it starts catching up with you.

Card 6: Judgement — You will soon enter a time of reckoning and judgment. Prepare for accounts to be settled and past actions to be balanced. Surprising revelations may cause things from your past to become relevant once more.

Card 7: Queen of Pentacles — Take care to present yourself as someone who is protective of your good fortune and that of those you care about. Show you have power and influential connections. Be a patron of the arts and don't be afraid to enjoy what you have. You've earned it all.

Card 8: Two of Swords — Others see you as taking a break from the usual ways of thinking and doing. They believe you to be open to new ideas and viewpoints. You seem diplomatic and ready to compromise when necessary. Some may see you as timid or lazy, but these people are in the minority.

Card 9: Eight of Pentacles — You hope you can demonstrate mastery at your skill but you fear you may not really be good enough. to succeed, avoid being the perfectionist and concentrate on the task at hand.

Card 10: Five of Cups — The outcome may be a time of disappointment or rejection. You may have to walk away from someone or something. Be careful and be ready to accept help. Though this help may not keep you from the final outcome, it may at least allow you to deal with the sense of loss that will arise.

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