Friday, February 24, 2012

Tarot Cards: Creating a Relationship with the Cards

Tarot should be taken seriously, because to Tarot readers and enthusiasts, they are not a toy or game. They are not ‘supernatural,’ but are sacred images designed to connect with the innermost patterns of human thought and emotion. As such, it's said they and their spreads merit a certain amount of respect.

The Importance of Attitude Toward the Tarot

Tarot cards are a part of the symbolic world, so any individual who wishes to read the Tarot, including you, must develop a respect for the archetypal symbols that they embody. This attitude of respect does not just appear out of nowhere, and it cannot be willed into existence. It must instead be cultivated over time.

The intelligent Tarot card reader strives to develop a sort of relationship with their cards. They realize that the Tarot are not simply amusing pieces of paper with pretty little drawings, and so they are unlikely to let them grow dusty and ragged from neglect or misuse. They are respected for their abilities, and are treated as a valuable tool.

The Proper Storage of Tarot Cards

Since most Tarot readers have a great deal of respect for their cards, they tend to take special care of them. In general, it is best to wrap a deck of Tarot cards in a special cloth. For those new to using Tarot cards, the cloth helps to develop a relationship with the cards.

Traditionally, Tarot cards are kept wrapped in black silk. The idea here is that black is a neutral color, and so can ‘neutralize’ any energies — positive or negative — that may come into contact with the cards. Whether or not this is true is a matter of some debate.

Regardless of the truth of this ‘black silk’ tradition, it is important to develop a ritual of sorts when it comes to the storage of Tarot cards. The unwrapping and wrapping of the cards before and after a reading in their own special cloth can become a point of concentration. This ritual helps to cement a relationship with the cards.

There are those who store the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot separately. While this is certainly an option, it is hardly necessary. The cards are generally read together in a spread, and so there is no harm in storing them together.

Where the cards are stored when wrapped in their special cloth is a little less important. It should be a place that is free of direct light, to prevent fading. Also, somewhere overly damp will cause damage to the cards and their images. However, the back of a dark drawer just won’t do. They must be treated with respect, and the place where they rest when not in use should reflect that.

The proper attitude and treatment of the Tarot is a symbol of the unique and valued place the cards hold. It also reinforces the importance of their images.

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